Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Four Shadow Pictures

 This Picture was projecting a shadow onto an object (or person in my case). In lightroom I made it black and white and then played with the blacks and exposure .

This picture I tried to have the shadow of the toy g through the bubbles of the bubble wrap , but it didnt work all that well. In lightroom I just made it black and white and increased the blacks

 For my third pictures I made the leftside black and white with increased exposure/blacks in Lightroom. then in photo shop I connected the Right side which I had flipped horizontally and inverted.

 For this picture, I used three pictures. One of the wall, Person, and shadow of the hand. I combined them in photo shop onto the wall. Then I put the picture into lightroom and increased the blacks as well as brightness.

Friday, November 2, 2012