Wednesday, May 8, 2013

color efex

1. film efex; modern
2. monday mrning , up brightness
3. border type 3

Friday, April 12, 2013

Silver Efex



Full dynamic filter
brightness 3%
contrast- 44%
structure- 100%
Shadows down
Highlights up
toner- blue 7
burn edges All (soft) 1
image border 9


To take my pictures I set my camera on BULB and the exposure time was from 120 sec or higher. In photoshop I clone stamped the red lights from airplanes out because they were distracting and sort of annoying. In lightroom I upped the exposure and contrast.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

jami final yay

all the pictures are edited differently. all of them have been somehow photoshopped.