Friday, February 24, 2012

Defining Light

 This picture is chiaroscuro because there is shadows and the light has different tones throughout the photo. There is also a pattern in the shadow. I edited this picture by making the bridge and the sky more bright and brought out the green on the stairs.

This picture is specular because how the sun is coming in at the side and almost creating a spotlight on the ground, lighting up that whole section. The sun light is coming in a particular direction that is precise.  I edited this picture by adding more contrast to make the sides more dark so the middle of the picture would be the lightest.

This photo is radiance because there is rays of light coming in from the window. The light from the window gives the effect of joy and comfort also. To edit the photo I made the contrast go up so the room is darker to show exactly the right direction of light from the window.

This last photo is illumination because it is filled with light and makes a glowing effect. The sun is highlighting the wall and creating a pattern from the shadow of the rail. It is filled with sunlight. I only brought out the clarity in this photo when I edited it and turned the contrast up a smudge.

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